I want to begin by stating that this is my personal experience and I am NOT a medical professional and do not suggest taking any supplements or changing any lifestyle or health routines without clearance from your specialist or doctor.
Thank you for following me and engaging in my blog, I hope you get a few things out of this and if so, please let me know what you found helpful or inspiring.
Ok lets dive right in ladies….
When we found out in March of 2015 that our only chance of having a family was through IVF, I was initially shocked, scared and totally out of my comfort zone. I never in my wildest dreams thought that IVF was going to be part of my life and I had very little knowledge about the process, let alone the preparation.
I started researching (as you do) on Google and Instagram and I found my way to many incredible sources however nothing seemed to have everything I was looking for to prepare myself physically, emotionally and mentally for what was ahead.
I was given pamphlets from my fertility clinic and my fertility specialist (we’re private patients) with guidelines and how the process was going to go ahead but in terms of fertility supplements or Eastern Medicine Therapies, there was no word on that. The more I researched, read and followed other peoples journeys the more I picked up on what I wanted to do to support myself and increase the health of my eggs.
I was initially under the impression that your egg health is something you can’t change, however I uncovered that there was A LOT we can do. I’m going to refer to 2 books I used which I found immensely helpful. The first book was ‘It starts with the Egg’ by Rebecca Fett. She has a degree in molecular biotechnology and biochemistry and worked in research labs in Genetics. She is also a litigation attorney where she specialises in analysing scientific and clinical evidence for biotechnology companies… wow! When I read her book I felt like I had found something that finally resonated with me and I was happy to try out the supplements and advice she gives in the book. She herself was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve at the age of 30 and went on to improve the quality of her eggs by extensively researching scientific studies in the fertility realm.
The other book is called ‘Healthy Home, Healthy family’ by Nicole Bijlsma who is a building biologist and founder of the ACES, and whom I personally met at a wellness seminar during 2014 when I became a Certified Health Coach.
Both books are not only for IVF patients but for anyone trying to conceive. Rebecca’s book is specific to Egg quality and fertility where as Nicole’s book has a Fertility section in it but goes into a lot more depth when it comes exposing the hazards in your home like , chemicals, exposure to electromagnetic fields, mould, water quality and much, much more!
I will mention that these two books weren’t my only resource and that there were many more sources in which I created my own Preparation Plan. Being a teacher I liked having a plan and being organised so over 3-4 weeks I compiled everything I found and created my IVF/ Egg Collection Preparation Plan.
It’s important for me to mention that our reason for IVF was not due to my infertility, but the contrary- it was my husbands. I DON’T have POCS or endometriosis or any menstrual issues. My periods are like clock work- 28days and they are NOT painful. I ovulate normally and have a normal to high range of eggs in the bank. If anything I’ve mentioned above that you either haven’t heard about or are currently noticing, please get yourself checked out to avoid disappointment down the road. Knowing the health and condition of your ovaries, menstrual cycle and uterus are fundamental before trying to get pregnant, no matter which way you’re trying.
MEN…Also getting your partners SPERM tested is simple, easy and non- invasive and the BEST place to start. Personally if we did that before trying naturally we would have saved 6 months of disappointments.
(Note: Again I will remind you that the plan below was written for me by me and I had clearance from my specialist, but please don’t assume you’re like me- everyone’s situations and bodies are different and ALL supplements, therapies and lifestyle changes MUST be cleared by YOUR medical professional for your safety and wellbeing)
IVF/ EGG COLLECTION Preparation Plan
(3-4 months before I had my eggs collected)
Natural Therapies
Acupuncture- I had weekly sessions and made sure I had one the day before my embryo transfer and one within a few hours after the transfer.
I’m going to state here that there are not enough studies to find that acupuncture is effective in improving implantation rates. However Acupuncture claims to reduce stress, improve quality of life and stimulate blood flow to the uterus. These 3 reasons plus the fact that I believe in so many other things in life that haven’t been proven or can’t be tested (like spirituality concepts) . It’s a natural therapy I am having currently with my second pregnancy and absolutely love. After my session I always feel better, clear minded and relaxed… oh and I get a whole hour of peace to myself! That’s enough reason for me!
Kinesiology- I had fortnightly/ sometimes weekly sessions depending on availability. This therapy came to my attention at the time when I was researching natural therapies for wellbeing. As it turned out I had a contact and the appointment was set up without much effort at all.
Kinesiology is the use of muscle testing to determine emotional, chemical, structural or energetic imbalances in the body. Kinesiology claims to reduce stress, correct hormonal imbalances, clearing emotional blocks, addressing anxieties and fears and overcoming limiting beliefs. I strongly believe that emotions, trauma and thought patterns are stored in the body. My experience during my sessions were quite profound and I felt like energy blocks were shifted and released.
Both Acupuncture and Kinesiology were two natural therapies I chose to have, however there are a HUGE number of other therapies that may appeal to you. Sometimes the Universe delivers people, therapies or experiences to your attention that seem to be just what you’re looking for. Trust your intuition and follow universal nudges… you may be pleasantly surprised!
Home & Body
There are many reasons why this section is probably the MOST important from the rest. Pretty much the effect these products and items can have on our body, let alone our poor little eggs can be serious. Our eggs are very sensitive and exposure to harsh pollutants, chemicals and products build up in our body and are stored. If you did an inventory of all the products you use daily, I think you’d be shocked to find just how much is absorbed through our skin, enters our mouth or is inhaled while we simply breathe.
I took this section more seriously when I was TTC and pregnant because it was my way of protecting my eggs/ embryo/ or my unborn child.
Reducing my exposure to BPA (Bisphenol A)
* I avoided canned food
* I replaced ALL plastic containers for storing or heating up food to GLASS
* I never washed plastic containers in the dishwasher- always by hand
* Always washed my hands after handling paper receipts
Reducing my exposure to Phthalates and Other Toxins
* I changed my makeup, skin care, shower/body products and hair range to ones that were labeled fragrance-free or phthalate free. Since 2015 though there are heaps more incredible brands (even on Instagram) on the market, so do your research and be sure to email the company directly, don’t assume!
* I avoided wearing ANY perfume, hairspray and nail polish what- so -ever
* I was already using ALL natural cleaning products in my house from when I met Nicole Bijlsma because her and her husband actually manufacture totally natural cleaning and laundry products. Their brand is ABODE O’ve included a link to their website at the end of this blog. I’ve been using them for 5 years now and wouldn’t turn to any other product.
Supplements: (I will not discuss dosage as this will depend on the brand you buy)
Most of these I was taking prior to IVF just for general health however a few were added 3-4 months before I started IVF… Do your own research, this list was from 2015 so I’m sure more supplements are on the market 4 years later.
* Vitamin D (I had myself tested before I started and found out I was actually deficient in this vitamin so my dosage was higher than average)
* Prenatal vitamin (I took Elevit- has folate in it)
* Probiotic (for gut health)
* CoQ10 (Ubiquinol)- this form is more easily absorbed than Ubiquinone
* Vitamin E
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin B6
* Fish Oil (note: I don’t eat any seafood)
* Royal Jelly (WARNING: This one is very controversial and could create an allergic reaction and hormonal imbalance- you MUST research & get medical clearance with this one before taking it)
Food/ drinks
* No canned food
* No sugary drinks or alcohol
* Decreased caffeine intake to 1 coffee a day
* I only used olive oil and coconut oil to cook
* Limited processed food as much as I could (anything not in it’s natural state)
* I bought my meat straight from the butcher (free range/ grass fed) not at the supermarket
* I bought fresh food from the local farmers market, most of it organic.
* I washed ALL my fresh fruits and vegetables in water with apple cider vinegar to ensure any pesticides were removed.
* I limited gluten because I have a slight intolerance to gluten. For example I get bloated within 20-30 mins and I feel tired… that’s my body’s way of communicating to me that inflammation is occurring. (This may. not be an issue for you so don’t just remove gluten because I did- you really need to listen to your body and decide from there )
* I increased my intake of antioxidants ( fresh berries! )
* I increased my intake of filtered water (avaraged 2-3 L daily)
In Rebecca’s book- chapter 11 The Egg Quality Diet she outlines a great fertility diet with scientific research to back it plus she delves into insulin resistance, it’s very informative.
Essentially what I’ve mentioned above is a Mediterranean diet with a few personal tweaks.
* 3-5 exercise classes or sessions a week
* I did what I liked at the time which included pump classes, running and pilates (it’s important to listen to your body and do what you enjoy- not what the latest FAD is)
* I loved doing a morning ‘Tone It Up’ workout (if you don’t know Karena and Katrina from Tone It Up, you need to look them up on Instagram and YouTube! They are fabulous! )
Rest & Relaxation
I made sure I got 6-9 hours of sleep a night- remember that when you rest the body repairs your body
I meditated daily. I’m a morning meditator and loved a beautiful guided meditation to start my day, followed by a glass of warm lemon water.
Hubby and I went on a weekend ski trip before I started IVF and I’ll never forget how special that mini holiday was for us. It was romantic, rejuvenating and fun!
SPECIAL NOTE: Please make time to have fun, socialise and let your hair down. If it means a couple of wines here and there, it’s OK!!! Try to have balance and enjoy dinners with friends without restrictions. Enjoy a delicious dessert once a week, it’s not going to be the end of the world. Be flexible and always remember to be on track 80% of the time and let the 20% be flexible. Sometimes being too restrictive can have the reverse affect on us, so try to relax and enjoy the journey.
Plan your meals a week in advance so that you set yourself up to WIN, not fail.
I meal prepped all my lunches in advance so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat the wrong foods.
I cleaned out the fridge and pantry entirely to remove items that were out of date or not going to be consumed. Be mindful of your partner or kids, they don’t have to follow your lead unless it’s something you’ll do as a family. If you don’t want to make big changes for everyone, then you can dedicate space in the fridge, pantry, bathroom, laundry just for you during the time you’re preparing.
About 80 % of what I mentioned aboveI had already changed/ included or begun to change at least 1-2 years prior to IVF. Because I was always generally healthy, always read health and wellness books and articles, then I studied health coaching in 2014, I had begun cleaning up my lifestyle already in so many ways.
PLEASE DON’T think you have to do EVERYTHING I mention. This is a great opportunity to do your own research and create your own tailor made plan. (SEE BELOW FOR A PLAN!)
Stay realistic, please. Nobody has the PERFECT lifestyle, but we can certainly improve certain aspects that feel right for us. I’ve seen IVF preparation plans on a few websites and didn’t use them, however if something on there resonated with me, then I looked into it and decided if it was right for me. This is a personal journey and you need to empower yourself by doing what’s right for you.
I hope that you understand that if something is overwhelming, stressful, too expensive or brings on anxiety then it’s not right or worth pursuing. Mental health in my opinion is probably more of a priority when preparing for IVF than the physical aspects.
Please get clear on what’s most and least important at the stage you are at this time. You may just need tweaking in some areas and perhaps some more information about a particular topic, great! I hope that sheds some light on putting too much on your plate or having expectations on yourself that are unrealistic. Be kind not harsh on yourself xxx
If you want to learn more about Nicole Bijlsma, her book and cleaning products as well as courses check out this link https://www.buildingbiology.com.au
Here is the link to ‘It starts with the Egg’ by Rebecca Fett website https://itstartswiththeegg.com
I have created a FREE PLANNER just for YOU! After completing this BLOG I wanted to give you something helpful to use for your TTC journey. I will have a downloadable PDF Planner for you that will be in my NEXT Newsletter on the 1st June. Click my landing page link below, sign up to my newsletter and on the 1st June you’ll not only get my Newsletter but also this FREE gift!
http://www.tanjamulcahy.com.au (click on this link now and sign up!)
Find me on Instagram @tanja.mulcahy
Thank you for reading this blog!
Love Tanja xx