This is a continuation of my Vision/ Gratitude Board Newsletter in May. This is the final step after creating the board and doing the physical setup. This part seals the deal !
Last but definitely not least, this part brings your Dreams to life. BELIEVE without a doubt that the Universe will grant your wishes. If you TRUST the universe has your back then you can live your life without worrying HOW you will possibly receive what you desire. You must leave the HOW to the universe…THIS IS A MUST!!
I know it’s hard but you must trust that the Universe has your BEST interests at heart. It doesn’t mean that the journey will be easy, stress free or devoid of obstacles or challenges. It means that the Universe will guide you through the highs and lows to help you achieve and reach your dreams, as long as you’re consistently connecting and living out your life as if you already have what you want. It may sound bizarre or odd but you actually have to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror at the person that already has everything they are dreaming of.
By seeing a different version of yourself and going about your life as if you are that successful Health Coach or you are a Mother, that has a heightened energy than the one you have as your current self in your current situation. Make sense? You’re probably thinking… but how do I do that?
Well I’ll share a personal example when I was TTC my second child after 3 miscarriages.
So id wake up in the morning, wash my face, look at my vision board that had images of a baby and a family of 4 and other healthy baby/ pregnancy photos and I’d say out aloud while I did my makeup.
“I am a mother to our 2nd child”
“I am having the most beautiful, successful pregnancy and feeling great”
“I feel so blessed to be pregnant with our healthy baby”
“I am so grateful for this miracle I am growing in my body”
I’d also connect with the Universe by saying “Thank you Universe for making my dreams of becoming a mother once again true”
“Thank you Universe for helping me see this situation through love”
“Thank you Universe for guiding me on this journey and making my dreams come true”
I said these affirmations and universal prayers way before we transferred our embryo.
I had to raise my energy to receive… that’s putting it simply. The more I said these affirmations throughout the day, the more I believed them and the more I connected to the Universe.
I also included them in my daily meditations. I did that simply by recording my voice on my phone reading these statements out. I would ensure I was in a deep state of relaxation before I listened to my recording because I wanted my SUBCONSCIOUS to hear it and believe it and create new neural pathways for my desires. Taking this last but CRUCIAL step was imperative in my opinion.
The Law of Attraction is a REAL thing and YOU are able to access it right away if you commit to raising your vibration and welcoming in Universal MAGIC.
I hope this was a helpful post to whoever is reading this.
Love Tanja xx