This is a topic I explored in my first newsletter. If you missed it, the snippet is in italics below.
I think it’s a really important topic to think about and work through in your life. It can be applied to so many areas of your life, which I think is fundamental when trying to understand yourself and the universe better.
Accepting you’re human and you’re going to make mistakes and that is OK.
Accepting you’re not perfect and were never meant to be.
Accepting that you’re a divine being having a human experience and your life is meant to be a time to grow and learn and thrive.
Accepting that our current reality is only now, now, now and we can make changes immediately or choose to follow a different path/ direction.
Accepting that the most challenging people and situations are BLESSINGS because they help us reflect, internalise and reassess our emotions, perhaps judgmental views and expectations.
Accepting that you are not here to take responsibility for other people’s actions and decisions.
Accepting yourself as LOVE.
I hope these statements have helped you in some way or other. I’ve had many occasions in my life when accepting situations and people felt impossible, however when realising the bigger picture, I was able to show acceptance, compassion and love to myself and others. After having multiple miscarriages, I had to accept this harsh reality and reflect on what it taught me, the direction it veered me towards and the miracles that occurred around me during that very painful time. There was love and pain at the same time. I will definitely be sharing how I coped after each loss and how they redirected my life forever in the most positive, beautiful way possible.
If you’d like to use the above ‘acceptance’ sentences above as AFFIRMATIONS then please do so. Reword them like this: I accept that I am human and I’m going to make mistakes and that’s Ok.
Newsletter blurb
Focusing on acceptance means embracing where your current life is, at this present time. The people, places, circumstances and emotions that you’re currently surrounded by can all be accepted with love and peace in order to have harmony in your life. Whether we want to accept it or not, everything and everyone in our current reality is there for a purpose and was attracted by us! Acceptance can be a very humbling experience because it grounds you and helps you release preconceptions or expectations. Self acceptance is also paramount. Accepting yourself exactly as you are is paramount to loving yourself unconditionally, in good times and bad.
My personal experience story of acceptance: April was the month 4 years ago that my husband and I found out that our only way of having children was through IVF and embryo transfers. It was a very shocking revelation and I remember how scared I was of this unknown path we were about to embark on. The day after finding out this news, we left for our Easter get-away to Adelaide. I remember being in Glenelg running on the beach and having so many conflicting thoughts. Some questions I asked the universe were; why me? Will I be a mother? Do I have the strength to do IVF? Will people judge me? How do I release my fears and concerns? Will we be ok?
After a few days of journaling, being by the water, clearing my head, I came to accept our next journey with positivity, gratitude and hope. Gratitude ?! you might ask… well yes, the reality really hit me on our time away that we had an option B. Some people don’t have an option B and 30 years ago, our wish to have a family may not have been possible. So yes, I was extremely grateful to have a chance to have my own family despite the hurdles. I chose to accept and focus on all the good things and try my best to accept the things I couldn’t control anymore.
Until next time my lovely,
Tanja xx